What can I do in the Victim Services Portal (VSP)?
You can enter a new application for compensation, edit or delete an existing application that has not yet been submitted to the Office of Victim Services (OVS) in the VSP.
Once your application has been submitted to OVS and you have been given a claim number, you can upload documents for your claim.
Can I still use the paper application?
Yes. However, you may find that the online application for compensation is quicker and easier to fill out than the paper form.
It also provides the ability to edit or modify existing sections without having to start a new application if you make a mistake.
How do I obtain an account to use with the VSP?
The VSP can be used with a Personal NY.gov ID. You can register for one by clicking “Don’t have an Account?” at https://my.ny.gov/.
If you have any issues or questions related to NY.gov IDs, please visit the NY.gov ID FAQs page at https://my.ny.gov/faqs.html.
I forgot my NY.gov username and/or password, how can I get help?
Click the “Forgot your Username or Password?” links available under the “Sign In” button on the VSP login page.
If you need any help with a forgotten NY.gov ID username or password, refer to the NY.gov ID FAQs at https://my.ny.gov/faqs.html.
How can I start a new application?
Click the “Apply for Compensation” tab available under the banner near the top of every page.
The Next and Previous buttons within the compensation application will allow you to save the application and complete it at a later time.
How can I check the status of a claim that I filed?
Claim statuses can be found by doing a basic or an advanced claim search:
- A basic search is for claims that are already linked to your account and requires only the victim’s last name and either a claim number or last four digits of a victim’s Social Security number.
- Claims not linked to your account must use an advanced search, which requires the claim number, crime date, victim’s last name, victim’s first name, victim’s date of birth, and the victim’s Social Security number.
Who do I contact if I encounter a problem while filing an application in the VSP?
Please contact OVS at 1-800-247-8035 or fill out our contact form.
I did not receive a confirmation page or claim number.
If you successfully submit an application, you will be taken to a confirmation page with a claim number and further instructions on submitting additional documents.
If your application was not successfully submitted, it will return error messages on the sections you did not fill out as expected by the application.
The sections with error messages will be in red text on the left navigation menu.
Can I print a copy of my application to keep for my records?
Yes. Once the application passes all the edits and is submitted to the OVS, you will be presented with an option to “Print/Download Application.”
Please note: This will be the only opportunity you will have to print and/or download your application so you can save it to your personal computer.